How to Increase Biodiversity in Business Parks
The UK has seen a thriving economy in the 1980s, with business parks greatly expanding and slowly but steadily seeping through the British landscape. Today’s business parks are completely different than their former designs as meeting businesses’ needs is no longer the only priority. This is because most early developments overlooked any kind of support amenities – we’re talking no public transport, no recreational areas for staff and certainly very little interest in the environment.
Evolution of the modern business park
By the end of the 1990s, employees’ demands evolved which meant developers also had to, and so a new modern range of attractive facilities arose within the developments. One way of achieving this was by creating open spaces that workers can use during their lunch breaks. This also addresses the sustainability issue; once thought of as an expense, it is now viewed as an advantage in a competitive working world, and for good reason. In present, most estates embrace, as a minimum, decent public transportation links, cycling networks and shop or cafés. Workplaces that are enhanced by greenery are also highly regarded.
But in the future years, people will look at working in a place that values and integrates nature. To truly respond to today’s environmental issues, we need to look at ways to improve biodiversity in business parks.
Integrating existing landscape vs landscape renovation
It’s not necessary to create a more biodiverse area by scrapping what’s already there. A more holistic approach would be to integrate the existing formal landscape into a more naturalistic green space. This would not only offer people an open space they could spend their breaks in, it would also encourage activities such as bird watching or wildlife gardening. A demonstration area could be planted for bringing in pollinators, which could include lavender and honeysuckle for butterflies and bees, as well as native berry-bearing shrubs for birds; it could also be used for growing herbs or vegetables. Additionally, retaining mature and veteran trees is vital to the integration of a more natural green space.
Sheffield Biodiverse Business Park
Located in Dore House Industrial Estate, which is particularly rich in butterfly and moth species. We should maintain these habitats and look into bringing other types of pollinators and birds. Unused walls could become nesting habitats for birds and invertebrates, by creating green walls with climbing plants such as English ivy, wild clematis and honeysuckle.
Larger insects such as the long-horned beetle and the soldier fly (scientists call it ‘nature’s perfect upcycling machine’) have been spotted here often, however their numbers are nationally declining. By coppicing trees and piling wood, a new environmental feature would give these visually attractive insects a habitat to lay eggs.
Another simple way to attract wildlife is by sponsoring bird and bat boxes throughout the park, to increase nesting opportunities. This is also a way for people to learn more about the species of birds living here.
There have been a few concerns regarding air and noise pollution which might affect these newly established habitats. Some of the ways SPA Landscaping is addressing these issues is by planning all journeys in order to reduce mileage and emissions, as well as ensuring all vehicles and machinery are most efficient. Minimising our impact on the environment is at the heart of our Environmental Policy.
Commercial ways to protect the environment
Of course, we all play a part in protecting our environment. As a landscaping company, we strive to be more eco-friendly. We ensure all plants and trees come from nurseries and not from the wild; we also check our suppliers’ environmental credentials. But why stop there? Working on sites across the country, we always encourage replanting schemes and we try to return cuttings as mulch along with many more little changes that together, go a long way.
It would be ideal that each and every one of us include at least one little thing in our daily schedules that benefits our planet. It could be as simple as having a reusable coffee cup, to taking the bus once a week or taking care of a plant in the windowsill.
For more information on how we could help you become a more biodiverse don’t hesitate to contact our team on 0114 269 9119 or email