Our Environmental Responsibility

At SPA Landscaping, we always strive to maintain the highest standards of Environmental Responsibility. By regularly reviewing our procedures and methods, we ensure that we’re constantly minimising or removing any potential impact our work may have on the environment.

Here are some of the core ways SPA Landscaping minimises its environmental impact:

  • Recycle green waste at our depot when it cannot be recycled at the source
  • Use mulching machinery wherever possible
  • Return all hedge cuttings, shrubs and trees where possible back into the soil as mulch once shredded on site
  • Utilise green compost bins at the source where waste can be fed back in to the landscaping
  • Use only the most efficient machinery
  • Use only the most efficient vehicles
  • Plan all journeys to make efficient use of the transport and minimise mileage
  • Source materials from suppliers with their own environmental policies and procedures to ensure all materials are sustainably sourced
  • Review recycling procedures and monitor staff
  • Minimise administration waste and maximise energy efficient administration electrical items
  • Limit the use of pesticides and commodity substances
  • Encourage replanting/landscaping schemes

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