Why You Need to Eradicate Invasive Weeds From Your Grounds
There are many types of weeds that are invasive to the UK, that you must remove from your site. Ignoring them can have environmental, cost and even legal implications.
Species of weeds that are at utmost importance to remove from your site include, Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed, Himalayan Balsam, Common Ragwort and Mares Tail.
Giant Hogweed can lead to a reduction in local plant biodiversity. This is due to the weed wining the competition for natural resources, causing the surrounding plants to die out slowly. It’s also known for causing erosion in the soil when they die, meaning other plants can't grow in these areas again.
Japanese knotweed is known for how threatening it is for native species, but another serious environmental issue it can cause is exacerbating flooding. This happens by the Knotweed limiting the capacity and free flowing of water. During winter, the weed will lie dormant, leaving the riverbank exposed and this increasing the erosion.
Damages to Your Site
Japanese knotweed is known for how rapidly it can grow. Because of this, it has alot of power behind it and cause alot of damage to structures by targeting weak points, these include cracks in masonry, growing through tarmac and even damaging retaining wall structures.
As of the Wildlife and Countryside act 1981, you will be breaking the law if you allow for Japanese Knotweed to spread from your land, to someone else’s land. If you have been found to allowed this to happen, it can carry fines of up to £5,000.
And if you are found to be growing certain weeds, such as Giant Hogweed and Himalayan Balsam, on purpose, it could even lead to imprisonment of up to 2 years.
How We Remove Them
We offer affordable solutions to eradicate all types of invasive weeds, and specialty solutions for Japanese Knotweed management plans with use of herbicides or excavation where immediate development is required.
If you require Weed Control Services for your grounds or site, SPA Landscaping can provide a fully bespoke Weed Eradication plan to suite all your needs. Contact us today on 0114 269 9119 for a quote.