Transforming Amenity Lawns to Wildflower Meadows in Mixed Office Spaces

SPA Landscaping is working with a business workspace provider who have a national portfolio of over 70 office spaces, workshops, virtual offices and storage facilities for small and growing businesses across the UK.  The group asked SPA Landscaping to help them transform amenity lawn areas at their properties to create wildflower meadows, helping them increase the biodiversity at the sites.

Biodiversity Net Gain is a phrase on the lips of many property and land developers right now, following the passing of law via Royal Assent in November 2021 that dictates all new developments of property must incorporate a 10% net gain in biodiversity.

Progressively thinking commercial property owners are also increasingly aware of their environmental responsibility, and so are introducing a greater range of plant and landscaping features as part of a biodiversity strategy for their holdings.

This client has over 70 properties across the UK in their portfolio and asked us to help with wildflower meadow creation as a part of their biodiversity strategy. Our team has been brought on board to help put this change in place, transforming over 21,000m² of lawn areas across a number of sites.

This property had 2,400m² of grassed areas that have been used to create 1000m² of wildflower meadow areas.

On the left, this property had 2,400m² of grassed areas that have been used to create 1000m² of wildflower meadow areas. On the right, another site had over 3,000m² laid to lawn where 2000m² has been used to create wild flower areas, which will provide a naturalised area to encourage pollinators and other wildlife.

The landscaping team started the process of mapping each of the sites to enable the client to establish their carbon, sustainability and biodiversity data. This process allowed us to identify options for including wildflower area creation, tree planting and woodland creation to feed into the client’s biodiversity plans.

Once the plan was in place, the team then commenced the preparation of ground across each of the sites before sourcing and then sowing wild flower mixes to create grassy meadow wildlife habitats that contain a greater mix of species, helping to attract pollinators and other wildlife.

As the spaces mature, where there was once a mono-culture of grassy areas, a broad mix of meadow flowers, wildflowers, perennials and annuals will establish and naturalise. We’ll be back on site to help manage the areas to keep them healthy and looking good, as well as helping our client up their eco credentials across their portfolio of holdings.

This industrial estate site had a large area laid to lawn.

This industrial estate site had a large area laid to lawn, where we created 10,000m² of wildflower meadow in replacement.

Contact Us

If you are a business park owner looking to improve the biodiversity of your sites, by supporting initiatives that create sustainable, efficient and flexible spaces that also boost biodiversity through a biodiversity strategy, get in touch.

Telephone: 0114 269 9119


What we did

  • Tree planting
  • Wildflower planting
  • Grass cutting
  • Soft landscaping

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